Stretch Regularly to Move Better and Get Stronger

Move better with a consistent stretch routine. It will help you increase your flexibility and mobility, allowing for a more extensive range of motion. Now, what to do with this new range of motion? Strengthen, of course! You are on your way to moving freely and with more power.

You’ve likely heard that stretching is good for you. If you landed on this blog post, then you want to learn more. Let’s dig a little deeper (pun intended;). I will cover two different methods of stretching, static and dynamic, their benefits, and best practices.

Static Stretching: Benefits and Guidelines

Static stretching isolates and holds a muscle at its end range of motion for 10-90 seconds. The time held depends on your current tolerance and overall goal. For chronically tense muscles, I like to keep static stretches for a minute or longer and do so successively 3-5 times in a row.

Performing static stretches without warming up and before playing a sport may hinder your performance and increase your risk of injury. Envision your muscles as a clump of Play-Doh left in an open jar – immovable, inflexible. But grab the clump, start warming it up, and it becomes supple and flexible. A thorough warm-up will make the muscles more receptive to static stretching. Sometimes this is not always practical or needed if you’ve been hunkered down at your work desk for 8 hours, a stretch will feel great!

Stretching feels great and helps relieve stress. Here are a few more benefits aside from the feel-good factor:

  • Enhances flexibility
  • Improves posture and awareness
  • It helps manage conditions arising from stiff muscles, i.e., tension headaches and low-back or shoulder discomfort.
  • Decreases muscle soreness when done post-workout

Guidelines to ensure you get an effective stretch and avoid straining yourself

Studies show that stretching a tense muscle before exercise increases the risk of injury. Stretch slowly and with control. Sudden quick movements are counterproductive as the muscles will react by contracting. A little discomfort is okay, but you should avoid ranges that elicit pain. Remember that increasing your flexibility gives your muscle more room to produce force, so incorporate a good strength training program. Need help with that? Schedule a consultation with me. We’ll discuss your top goals and the best training approach to help you achieve them.

Dynamic Stretching: Benefits and Guidelines

Dynamic stretching is the method of choice before a sports activity to optimize performance and reduce the risk of injury. Moving your joints through a full range of motion with continuous flow helps prepare the neuromuscular system for the activity that’s to come. Some examples would be walking lunges, leg swings, and arm circles.

A study from the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine specific to hamstring stretching concluded the following:

“Overall, our results indicate that when performed prior to exercise, DS is beneficial for the hamstring muscles in terms of increasing flexibility and reducing stiffness.”

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2019

Here are some benefits you can expect with dynamic stretching:

  • Activates your nervous system and muscles so the body is better prepared to handle mechanical stress
  • Improves joint mobility
  • Improves balance, control, and coordination

Guidelines to ensure you get an effective stretch and avoid straining yourself

The best time for dynamic stretching is before a sport that requires jumping or running, a BootCamp style fitness class, and weightlifting since studies have found it helps to improve performance and reduces the chance of injury. For the most effective stretch, ensure you’re moving through a joint’s full range of motion. As in the guideline for static stretching, you should do so with control and avoid painful ranges.


Remember, with greater flexibility comes great responsibility:). Maximize the effect of stretching by making it an essential part of your self-care routine and ensure you strength train so your muscles perform better. Your forty-pound toddler will feel lighter, moving furniture will feel less exhausting, reaching over your head, and many other daily tasks will become more efficient. Hence, this is how to move better and get stronger through stretching!

If you’ve tried many fitness programs before but none ever lasted, schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and learn how my programs could help you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stand tall Breathe deep,

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